Curbside service or mask: you can choose

We will be going to curbside service today. It is the current standard of care for vet med right now. You can call 938-4515 to have someone come to your car to get your cat, deliver your food or prescriptions, etc. Most of my clients are awesome and are working with me to continue to provide excellent care for their cats, and I love you for that. Thanks to you.

But honestly, I’m tired of having to have political discussions with a few individuals who think their rights are being violated by being asked to wear a mask for a few minutes as my staff and I wear one all day long. I don’t have time for that and you don’t have the right to yell at my staff for enforcing the rules I’ve set in place to try to keep us healthy as best I can. You also don’t have a right to enter my building unless I permit it. I don’t have time to take care of all the cats who are trying to get in to see me, so I certainly don’t have time to debate your conspiracy theories, politics, medical “expertise”, or tinfoil hat theories. I am doing the best I can to not be the SECOND vet clinic in the city to get shut down because of Covid infections, whether you agree with how I am choosing to do so or not. I don’t like masks either, but they are a tool to help reduce spread as much as is practical while staying open for business. I’m tired, you’re tired, we’re all tired, but the numbers of people out there spreading are greater now than ever. I can’t control that. All I can control is trying to limit the exposure of my staff as much as possible. Help me out, please.

If you will (properly) wear a mask covering your nose and mouth, 1 person per visit may enter the exam room with their cat. I honestly believe that cats do better with an owner present. And if you will wear a mask, you can come in to do your business with the front desk. We will do everything in our power to keep your visits short and try to provide space for social distancing to inconvenience you as little as possible.

Let’s get through this together. If my staff or myself get sick, then we are shut down for at least 2 weeks and then I can’t care for anyone’s cat during that time. That is a lose:lose scenario. Let’s try to avoid it as long as possible. Thanks for reading.