Covid policy update

Just to let everyone know, we are still enforcing only ONE PERSON IN THE CLINIC WITH THEIR CAT at a time (exceptions for euthanasia). So PLEASE DO NOT BRING EXTRA PEOPLE to your cat’s appointment, especially not your kids, with hot weather imminent. We are still trying to be very careful with our exposure to the public. We’re trying to keep the doctor and staff healthy so that we can remain open to serve you. We are happy to serve you curbside if you must bring extra people, especially those who aren’t safe waiting in a car alone. With the new CDC guidelines, we wanted to address our Covid policy updates.

Without getting into politics and opinions on the matter, we are still asking people to please wear a mask during your brief visit inside our building. We will keep your visit as brief as possible. We don’t like masks either, but they are what they are right now.

Hopefully this will all work itself out in the very near future and we can all go back to normal. We may consider loosening requirements a bit further AFTER the new CDC recommendations have a chance to play out for a few weeks. Hopefully we’re getting close to herd immunity between natural infections and vaccinations so that all these precautions will become unnecessary, so just be patient with us a bit longer. This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with finding out how this is going to turn out before we fling open the doors and ditch the masks.

We have managed to be one of only a few vet hospitals in town without a Covid shut-down, and we’d REALLY like to keep it that way. We’re SO CLOSE now. It has really been a marathon. Hang in there with us, please.