We are an appointment-based clinic only

We’ve had more problems with people trying to walk in and use us as an emergency clinic lately. We are neither a walk-in clinic nor an emergency facility. Please remember that there is only ONE vet on staff and we are fully booked out for a few weeks right now. That one vet can only do so much in a day without the quality of our care suffering significantly.
We can NOT accept walk-ins. We are NOT an emergency clinic. And we are only allowing ONE person in the building with their cat (so please don’t bring your children to your vet appointment). We can see you curbside if you can’t find care for your kids.
We will do the best we can to take care of current client emergencies by allowing drop off appointments that we can work into the tiny cracks in our over-full schedule. If you think your cat has an urgent issue, please call EARLY in the day so that we can try to save you a trip to the emergency clinic. When you call with an issue shortly before closing, you leave us with few options to help you other than sending you to one of 3 emergency clinics in the area.
Thank you! 😺