We have had an unusual number of people trying to walk-in to the clinic with their cats in various situations. While we would love to be able to help everyone out with every cat at a time convenient for you, it is simply not possible.
What do you mean, you can’t see my cat?
We are a very small clinic with a small support staff and only one doctor. With the limitations placed on us right now with the Covid-19 crisis, our schedule is usually completely booked lately. We are also still trying to play catch-up for the time we missed during phase 1. It is our mission to provide quality care to our clients and patients. It quickly becomes difficult to provide quality care when people try to walk-in to an already full schedule. We want to provide a “fine dining” experience, for our patients, not a “fast food” visit. Also, since there is only one doctor, if that doctor isn’t available (in surgery, out to lunch, seeing another patient) then there is no one else that can provide medical care to your cat.
Well, how do I get on your schedule?
Please call ahead and make an appointment. Right now there is typically a 2-3 week waiting period for new clients/patients trying to get onto our schedule. We are trying to take care of our current patients and manage the case loads. We can only add new patients gradually in order to not allow our quality of care to suffer. If you have an emergency and are a client already, we will bend over backwards to try to accomodate you. Once you have achieved “client” status, we will do our best to honor the doctor/client/patient relationship that we have built with you. If you are not yet a client, we will try to help you if we have the time and resources available. But we have to prioritize our current patients’ needs above all.
What if I have an emergency or want to be seen right now?
We are simply too small to be able to handle all the cats in Jacksonville. If you do us the courtesy of calling before showing up with your cat, we can let you know about scheduling. This may save you valuable time and a wasted trip if we can’t help you at that moment for whatever reason. Two other clinics in the area, Academy and Animed DO have some walk-in appointment times, but you would need to call them to get more information about their hours and stipulations. Also there are several after hours clinics in the area as well, whose mission is to handle emergencies. A list of places can be found at: http://coastalcatclinic.com/emergency/