12/2/18, Gotcha Day!

Today is Bellatrix and Hagrid’s Gotcha Day. I thought a great way to celebrate it would be to take over a hefty food donation to the place we adopted these precious babies.

Gotcha day food donation
Cat and kitten food for the humane society
Candy Corn, 2004-11/26/17

Last year on Black Friday I had to say goodbye to my beloved Candy Corn. I found these 2 ragamuffin kittens at the Carteret County Humane Society. Gotcha day was 12/2/17.  We dealt with upper respiratory issues, ringworm, and Hagrid was so fearful initially that he would hiss at us when he saw us. Bellatrix had a polyp in her nose that I was able to remove when I spayed her. These 2 kittens have grown into beautiful gentle and loving cats, and they started as someone else’s unwanted kittens. If you are looking for a cat or kitten, consider the shelters and rescue groups in the area. Too many cats are still euthanized for lack of homes.

Hagrid and Bellatrix, 12/2/17
Hagrid and Bellatrix, 12/2/18