Coastal Cat Clinic is NOT a rescue group so we can NOT accept your cats here. The purpose of this page is to help you find the contact information for some of the groups we’re aware of in the area.
How to raise kittens:
If you just rescued a kitten, there is great info on raising orphaned kittens at This link gives you great information on how much weight should the kitten gain a day, how much it should be eating, and expected behaviors at different ages so that you can see if your kitten is growing properly. This website was set-up to serve as an online resource center for kitten rescue. We’ve found it to be very useful for supplying you with all the information, tools and support you need so that you can bring this kitten up into a well-socialized and loving feline companion. At least as important to feeding a kitten is keeping it warm so that it stays happy and healthy.
A newer group out of Virgina, called the National Kitten Coalition, offers online information about saving kittens at They also offer webinars, workshops, consultation services and speaking engagements to try to save more orphaned kittens.
Also, if you rescued a kitten, then there are great pictures to help “guestimate” the age of that kitten you found (1-75 days of age) here.

Jacksonville/Onslow County and surrounding rescue groups:
CAPS, Jacksonville (910)455-9682
Cat Adoption Team, Wilmington (910)792-9014
Cat Tails, Ocean Isle (910)253-1375
Cape Fear Spay/Neuter, (low cost spay/neuter) Castle Hayne (910)692-1101
Camp Lejeune Animal Control (910)451-2695
Carteret County Humane Society (252)247-7744
Craven Pamlico Animal Services Center (252)637-4606
Fran’s Felines, New Bern (252)638-3815
Marley Fund, Greenville (leukemia/aids positive cats) (252)215-0925
New Hanover County Animal Control (910)789-7500
Onslow County Animal Services (910)455-0182
PAWS Carteret, Morehead City (252)808-1729
Saving Graces 4 Felines, Greenville (252)355-3404
All 4 Cats (find on Facebook), Wilmington area (910)707-4372
Ruby’s Misfits (find on Facebook)
Jaded Paws Rescue (find on Facebook)
Misplaced Mutts (find on Facebook)
Helpful hints for re-homing an animal yourself:
(1) Always ask potential adopters for the telephone number of their veterinarian and then call the vet’s office for a reference. Your pet will be more likely to be taken care of by someone who sees the vet regularly than by someone who rarely (if ever) takes their other pets to the vet. Sadly, sometimes people who respond to “free to good home” are really looking for animals for bad reasons (dog fighting bait, snake food, etc). Be aware and vigilant.
(2) Post pictures of your pet at all the vet’s offices, together with a description of their qualities and needs. Be honest about your pet’s faults and medical issues. Failing to disclose known issues may get your pet a home right now, only to end up with it being abandoned if it pees on the carpets.
(3) Update your pet on all shots and lab tests and be sure your pet is spayed or neutered prior to re-homing. Your pet is more appealing to people when they aren’t going to have to also budget a new pet’s annual shots and neuter surgery.
(4) Request that potential adopters bring pictures of previous pets and their home and then check their address at Google maps . You should also check their profiles on Facebook and other social media before meeting with them. Not all people are good and you don’t want your pet to end up in a bad situation with a hoarder. A visit to their home is also a good idea if you are comfortable with it. Not all homes are good homes. Be careful.
(5) Please don’t drop your pet off at our Animal Control office thinking that your pet will get a new home. There are simply too many pets and too few homes, so many/most will be euthanized.