Coastal Cat has pre-release Solensia from Zoetis

Exciting news! 😺Coastal Cat has been selected by Zoetis to participate in a pre-release program for Solensia. We are hoping to get the first shipments of this product in the next month or so. Staff will receive more training and info in a few weeks.
If you are a client with a cat with arthritis and would like to sign up, call to get on our list. Specific details are being worked out, but I think we are going to be allowed 10 doses a month during this pre-release program.
This product is already FDA approved, and Zoetis is doing a pre-release to a few selected clinics. Zoetis expects the product to be released to the rest of the country near December time frame, but we have access to it a little early. Finally a product for our old achy cats is available! 😺

Solensia is a monthly injectable FDA approved pain medication for cats only.